Animations 2004-2024

Stop motion & mixed media, 2024
In cooperation with Nyomuta Kaafo Cultural Center

“Haptic Desires Soaking”
mixed media, 2012
Doris Alhutter, Barbara Wimmer, Robert Keisermayr, Jan Pirker and Barbara Wilding

“I paint for therapy”
pixelation mixed with koffee-animation, 2011
Barbara Wilding
Sound: Vinzenz Schwab & Gloria Damijan

„maybe not“
stop motion with fruits and vegetables, 2011
Eva Hausberger and Barbara Wilding

„Guitarstring Marked Fingerprints“
stop motion 2D puppet animation, 2010
Katharina Pfiel, Volker Buchgraber, Dominik Hartl, Marlene Rudy, Andreea Jebelean & Barbara Wilding
Music: Dust Covered Carpet

stop motion with mosaic-stones mixed with video, 2008
Barbara Wilding feat. Monica Zani

"alles zwischen und sich"
("everything between and (the) self")
Rotoskopie - digital drawing animation, 2006
Miriam Raggam and Barbara Wilding
Sound: Victor Halbnarr

Rotoskopie, pencil on paper, 2005
Barbara Wilding
Sound: Peter Kutin

"Die Leiberl der Barbara Wilding"
("The Shirts of Barbara Wilding")
Rotoskopie - pencil on paper, 2004
Eva Hausberger & Barbara Wilding
Sound: Lucas Niggli